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Vitamin C -

It has been well said that vitamin C is the ultimate immune-boosting supplement, equally vital for protecting against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, skin conditions, and much more.  Much more, indeed. Beginning more than 40 years ago, I had the good fortune to interview a doctor in the U.S. who applied large doses of vitamin C in his preventive and therapeutic protocols. And with great results. I became a devoted mega-user of vitamin C, a habit that continues to this day. 

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Vitamin C, VitaMin Protocol -

(OMNS August 9, 2020) I am 78 years old, and have been taking 30,000 mg/day of vitamin C for over 40 years. And I do not get sick!  As a child and up until my mid-30s I had to deal with many food allergies, such as dairy, nuts, strawberries, chocolate, and many others, which made going out with friends to restaurants sometimes an ordeal. The allergies would cause eczema or often asthma, and greatly affected my life.

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Vitamin Safety -

OMNS Jan 30, 2021) The 37th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from any vitamin

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Why do we seldom hear about the deteriorating quality of nutrition in our food crops? A recent article, quoting from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2000 food tables, reports that between 1963 and 2000 the nutrient content in all types of fruits and vegetables had declined by up to 50% and continues to decline. [1] For example, the vitamin C content of peppers dropped from 128 milligrams per 100 grams to 89 milligrams per 100 grams.

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Niacin -

Although an individual's DNA sequences cannot be changed, the expression of genes can be modified by diet, including supplementation with high-dose niacin to boost NAD levels.

Cells that have had DNA damage are frequently transformed into cancer cells due to mutation. When our tumor suppressor genes are mutated, they can no longer function, and cells can grow without regulation and become cancerous....

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