Knowledge > Videos > Babara O'Neill

Background - Babara O'Neill

Barbara O'Neill is an Australian Naturopath, Nutritionist and International Speaker with a focus on self healing. In 2019, she was unjustly banned for life in Australia from speaking about anything to do with health - all without any good reason on my research and observation of the matter - and I followed and researched her hounding beyond the mainstream media hit pieces. A quick superficial search will show the level of discrediting that the mainstream media subjected her to. (You will find banning by the mainstream authorities, and simultaneous discrediting by mainstream media, is a common theme in the quality educational material we have gathered over the years, and will provide throughout this website.)

Lecture Series: "The body's ability to heal itself"

In this series of lectures (17 in all, about an hour each) recorded in Invercargill circa 2017 she provides very well rounded presentations on what ails us, why, and what we can do to address it.  Well worth watching the series.

Part 1: DNA and the true cause of disease

Part 2: The role that microbes play in disease

Part 3: Poultices

Part 4: Cayenne pepper and charcoal

Part 5: Diabetes, a lifestyle disease

Part 6: Empowering the immune system

Part 7: Hydrotherapy

Part 8: Hot and cold fomentations

Part 9: Heart health and high blood pressure

Part 10: Hormones

Part 11: Herbs

Part 12: Sodium bicarbonate wrap

Part 13: Improving health through digestion

Part 14: Remedying digestive issues

Part 15: Rewiring the brain

Part 16: Healing the Mind

Part 17: Safeguarding against depression

Various presentations by Barbara O'Neill

The importance of Salt & Water