Knowledge > Videos

Video Selection Criteria

The following videos are selected to represent the alternative view to the establishment or mainstream nutritional guidelines (which our taxes pay for).  The videos are well researched and founded on solid logic - they just makes sense. It is our educated belief that the nutritional guidelines, which are without robust scientific evidence, are killing us slowly but surely.  All one has to do is look to those who are dying all around - no one seems to die of old age anymore - just various degenerative dis-eases.  And our children, our poor children, are now suffering from new forms of dis-ease that children once never suffered from.  And the mainstream? The establishment? The media? - They do not seem to care, for they do nothing but perpetuate and accelerate the status quo, and destroy any naysayers in anyway they can.  Professor Tim Noakes, who now refers to the food pyramid as "genocide", went through years of legal trial as the establishment tried to take his medical license off him (see video "Tim Noakes on Trial").  Barbara O'Neill, a fantastic naturopath, is no longer allowed to talk about anything to do with Nutrition in Australia - for life!  For our children sake, I beg of you, seek the bloody truth.

Collections - Nutrition

Dr Zoe Harcombe Ph.D.

Professor Tim Noakes

Barbara O'Neill

Nina Teicholz

"Calories in calories out - bollocks"

"The benefits of a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet for Elite Athletes"

"DNA and the true cause of disease" (Lecture Series part 1 of 17)

The Big Fat Surprise: why butter, meat and cheese belong in a healthy diet.

Click link below to go to Zoe Harcombe's Video collection page and for a bit about her, and links

Click link button below to go through to Tim's video page for a bit about him and other key presentations that he has given.

Click the link below to go through to Barbara's collection page, and the rest of the above Lecture Series: "The Body's ability to heal itself"; and other presentations by Barbara.

Babara, an investigative journalist, discovered the cloak and dagger goings on within nutrition and health, and the poor science used to justify the current food guidelines.

Featured Presentations - Nutrition

Are we blaming Salt for what the Sugar did?

Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story

Red Meat and Health

By: Dr David Unwin (GP) Evidences benefits of Low Carb diet on: blood pressure, cholesterol; discusses what carbs are (not just sugar); insulin & salt connections.  Salt is not to blame.
By: Nina Teicholz Low Carb Downunder.  Discusses the history of so-called vegetable oils, their industrial beginnings, and how they became "food".

By: Nina Teicholz Low Carb Downunder. She addresses the myth of meat causing cancer; the foundation of this myth and lack of evidence, and the conspiracy to perpetrate the myth.

Obesity Epidemic: What caused it? How can we stop it?

Benefits of a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet - Elite Athletes

The importance of Salt & Water

By: Dr Zoe Harcombe. The Diabetes/Obesity epidemic begins in 1980 three years after the introduction of the low fat dietary advice by the United States Department of Agriculture.
By: Professor Tim Noakes.  A case study of how a LCHF diet significantly improved the performance of an amateur athlete.

By: Barbara O'Neill.  Barbara explains the underlying processes of salt, and why a FULL mineral salt is critical for life.

Featured Presentations - Supplementation

Please Note

1) Our discovery of the benefits of using Optimised Doses of Vitamins and Minerals was born out of reading and assimilating the articles and research published by the Orthomolecular Society's Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine freely available in their Archive, and following paths of research, and deeply examining the Orthomolecular "Pioneers". In this process, and on a side tangent, we came across Professor Bruce Ames', and his mentoree Dr Rhonda Patrick (Videos 1 - 3),  "Triage Theory of Vitamins and Minerals".  This theory nicely summarised the knowledge we had gained from researching the Orthomolecular Society. In a nutshell this theory states that: In times of shortage of essential nutrients (vitamins & minerals) the body will sacrifice longevity for immediate survival, leading to bodily failures and dis-ease later in life. This fits with the current epidemics of multiple degenerative dis-eases we are seeing across the population as they age, and which are occurring earlier and earlier, with greater and greater frequency.

2) A common theme that recurs in researching nutrition and supplementation is firstly: The amount of illogical and unfounded negativity by the "establishment" against vitamins & minerals claiming no benefit - remember these nutrients are absolutely and critically essential for life e.g. thiamine & beriberi; vitamin C & scurvy; niacin & pellagra.

3) Another common theme is the ever pervasive agenda by the "establishment" to demonise animal products and promote vegetarianism, or its more extreme version, veganism. All too often preference is given to vegetarian sources for vitamins and minerals over animal products leaving the impression that the vegetation source provides the better source for the nutrients. (I believe this common promotion is in response to the continuous and invasive establishment agenda and repercussions for scientists of not adhering) This is simply not true, and further more, there are a number of essential nutrients that can only be obtained from animal products e.g B12 or cobalamin - a deficiency of B12 will lead to serious irreversible damage and death, and must be supplemented by vegetarians/vegans.

4) We do not promote any form of lifestyle diet choice.  We do recommend the following Low Carb High Fat "real food" and as organic and whole as possible.

1. Bruce Ames on Triage Theory, Longevity, Vitamins & Micronutrients

2. impact of Micronutrient inadequacies

3. Vitamin & Mineral Inadequacy accelerates ageing associated diseases

In this video Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviews Dr. Bruce Ames (circa 2015) about his triage theory, which he proposes that the body has developed a rationing response to shortages of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) throughout evolution. When cells run out of a vitamin or mineral, that scarce micronutrient is allotted to proteins (in the body) essential for short-term survival. Proteins needed for long-term health, including those that protect DNA, lose out and become disabled and lead to diseases of aging. In addition they discuss how RDAs are chosen and what Bruce calls “longevity vitamins” which he calls a class of nutrients that exist mostly to prevent degenerative diseases of ageing in addition to essential vitamins and minerals.
Dr Rhonda Patrick (Oct 2015) discusses Professor Bruce Ames Triage theory of vitamins and minerals.  A lack of micronutrients causes the body to prioritise the immediate, survival needs of the body at the expense of the long term survival of the body. End result disease later in life.  

Professor Bruce Ames (circa 2016) presents his Triage Theory of Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency.  He posits that the body, when in shortage of nutrients, will trade off long term health for short term survival, leading to eventual disease.

High Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases

Interview: The Late Abram Hoffer

Vitamin Therapy for Mitochondrial function

By: Andrew W. Saul.  Presentation on the benefits of high dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).  Andrew discusses the pioneers of Vitamin C therapy methods, along with his own extensive experience.
By: Dr Abram Hoffer.  A rare interview with Dr Hoffman a pioneer with optimised vitamin use, particularly Niacin.  In this short interview he discusses, among other things, a discovery as to how Niacin help AA members.

By: Andrew Saul.  A good summary of some vitamin deficiencies as related to energy production. Coverage of Niacin and importance there of, along with importance of individual dose requirements, side effects.