Niacin 100g

IMPORTANT: Nutrient Interdependencies

To OPTIMISE, It is recommended that all SPACE energy store supplements be used together due to complex nutrient interrelationships and dependencies, along with a highly nutritious diet which optimises nutrients and minimises/eliminates toxins.  Remember, Supplementation is to "supplement" your food intake, not replace it!

For more information on supplement/nutrient interdependencies, see Article: "Nutrient Interrelationships: Minerals - Vitamins - Endocrines".


All information provided by SPACE energy is done in good faith, and based on our experience of what works, but is for informational purposes only.  Everyone is different due for a myriad of reasons. Therefore it is vitally important that you Educate yourself, as it is your Health, and therefore your responsibility.  Consult a medical professional for help on specific health problems if so desired.

  • Important
  • About & Benefits
  • Suggested Use
  • Warnings & Precautions
  • Ingredients


NZ Legislation pertaining to Niacin

Under current New Zealand (NZ) Legislation (see: "Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985") for reasons unknown to us (and safety does not appear to be the reason), a number nutrients (vitamins & minerals) are limited to set maximum daily doses - Niacin or nicotinic acid is one of these nutrients, and is limited to a maximum daily dose of 100mg.  

In the United States no such daily limit exists.  (The US country example for Niacin dosing is used as the reference country, as the aforementioned legislation defers to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, published by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science and National Research Council, Washington DC, USA.)  The question must be asked as to why the NZ legislation exists?  And why does NZ defer to the US?

SPACE energy's position on Daily Dose

SPACE energy's Niacin is pure powder & 100% Niacin.  As with all of our manufactured supplements, we provide pure forms only to eliminate any and all potential contaminates (e.g. tableting aids, fillers, preservatives etc) in order to optimise the health benefits of our supplements - there are two many contaminants in our food supply as there is. 

Our Niacin is suppled with an accurate 0.1cc measure that will dispense precisely 100mg of Niacin as per legislation - this is the daily maximum as per legislation, and SPACE energy therefore states that this is the maximum allowable daily dose.  

All does in excess of this limit are solely at the discretion of the individual looking to optimise their own health.  As such, all information provided in our website is for educational purposes only, and cannot be seen as SPACE energy recommending higher doses of Niacin, as this is illegal in NZ.


Since the aforementioned legislation defers to the US for guidance, we have provided and linked the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) fact sheets.  See "NIH Niacin Fact Sheet for Consumers" & "NIH Niacin Fact Sheet for Professionals".  The sheet for professionals is the recommended, as the sheet for consumers is condescending.

NOTE: Read widely.  NIH information is their perspective.  One needs to seek out the truth for ones self, not accept others summarised opinions.


Use only under the advice of a physician if you:

  • have heart disease, recurrent chest pain (angina) or recently suffered a heart attach.
  • are taking high blood pressure or cholesterol lowering medicines
  • have a serious medical condition or if you are a pregnant or lactating woman.

Keep out of the reach of children


Vitamin B3 (Niacin or nicotinic acid & niacinamide) was identified in 1937 by Conrad Elvehjem.  A lack of Vitamin B3 causes Pellagra, which was in epidemic proportions in the early parts of the 20th century due to nutrient deficient diets.  With the discovery of Vitamin B3, and proper understanding of the causes of Pellagra, this disease was now curable.

Niacin vs niacinamide

Niacin (nicotinic acid) is one form of Vitamin B3.  Nicotinamide is another form of Vitamin B3.  Niacin is metabolised by the body into niacinamide.  Niacin and nicotinamide have differing effects when taken as a supplement.

For our purposes, the main differences between these two forms of B3 is that Niacin is known to be effective at improvising lipid profiles, whereas niacinamide has little effect.  Another key difference is that Niacin causes the associated "flush" (see Precautions), which is harmless, though some find it uncomfortable, wheres as niacinamide does not.  Many people, including us, like the flush effect, however some do not.

From our research, Niacin is the more beneficial form of Vitamin B3, and the only form we recommend.  However, you will find that niacinamide is used in most supplements for B3, most likely for the reason that it does not cause the flushing effect.

Pellagra (Niacin/B3 deficiency)

Typical Pellagra is clinically recognised by the three D's - dementia, diarrhoea, and dermatitis.  

According to Pellagra is difficult to diagnose, and there is no specific test for detecting Niacin deficiency.  To expand on the three D's:  Additional dermatitis symptoms include: red, flaky skin; areas of discolouration, ranging from red to brown; thick, crust, scaly, or cracked skin; itchy, burning patches of skin.  Additional dementia symptoms include: apathy; depression; confusion, irritability, or mood changes; headaches; restlessness or anxiety; disorientation or delusions.  Other possible pellagra symptoms include: sores on the lips, tongue, or gums; decreased appetite; trouble eating & drinking; nausea & vomiting. 

What causes pellagra?  Again, according to, there are two types of pellagra - primary & secondary. Primary pellagra is caused by diets low in tryptophan or Niacin.  (Trytotophan is converted to Niacin in the body). Secondary pellagra occurs when your body can't absorb Niacin, which can be caused by: alcoholism; eating disorders; certain medications, including anti-convulsants & immunosuppressive drugs; gastrointestinal diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis; cirrhosis of the liver, carcinoid tumours; Hartnup disease. 

Benefits of Niacin

Dr Hoffer was one the pioneers working with Niacin.  His experience with Niacin commenced with using Niacin for treating schizophrenia.  His hypothesis to use Niacin for this condition was based on his recognition that Schizophrenia had similar psychological symptoms to that of Pellagra.  He claimed very good success, but Niacin is not well accepted by mainstream psychiatry for this condition.  This was back in the 1950's.

Over time, Dr Hoffer, and others, claimed many other benefits coming from Niacin.  For a comprehensive review of these benefits, see article "Negative and Positive Side Effects of Vitamin B3" by Dr Abram Hoffer.  

Key benefits noted by Hoffer in the above article. which he calls "positive side effects" - "... (1) a feeling of wellbeing and improved energy, do not need as much sleep and rest; (2) longer life;14 (3) relief from arthritic pain;15 if the indication is arthritis this will no longer be a side-effect; (4) slows down ageing process.16 McCracken17 provides a more complete list of positive side effects.  The important therapeutic effect of niacin on blood lipid levels is one of its most important side effects ...". (page 152).

Interestingly in this article, he also talks about his personal experience taking of Niacin and the curing of his gum disease - totally unexpected.  His dentist had advised him that he was going to have to have all his teeth removed and replaced by dentures.


Another area Niacin has been used in is Detoxification, with apparent good benefit. See article: Niacin for Detoxification: A Little-known Therapeutic Use

Niacin & DNA Repair

According to a recent OMNZ News Article: Niacin and Cancer - How vitamin B-3 protects and even helps repair your DNA, "Supplementation with vitamin B3 (niacin), the precursor to NAD, can lower the risk of cancer.  Read this article for full analysis and understanding of their claims.

There other many possible benefits that Niacin brings.  Keep an eye on our Knowledge Centre as we add more Research, Articles and News.  And as always, do your own research.

Adult Daily Dose

100mg - Use suppled 0.1cc measuring spoon for precise measurement (or as recommended by your healthcare professional)

If the spoon is misplaced, a scant (almost) 1/32 metric teaspoon can be used (See Measure guide below.


Mix with a suitable amount of water and take with food to minimise flushing

Measure Guide

125mg = 1/32 of a metric 5ml teaspoon 

250mg = 1/16 of a metric 5ml teaspoon

500mg = ⅛ of a metric 5ml teaspoon

1000mg = ¼ of a metric 5ml teaspoon

Use only under the advice of a physician if you:

  • have heart disease, recurrent chest pain (angina) or recently suffered a heart attach.
  • are taking high blood pressure or cholesterol lowering medicines
  • have a serious medical condition or if you are a pregnant or lactating woman.

Keep out of the reach of children

Produced in a factory that also processes nuts, sesame, wheat, eggs and soy.

Side Effects - The Flush

See Video:  "The Niacin Flush"

Niacin commonly causes temporary flushing, itching, tingling and feelings of warmth, particularly when beginning or changing dose/frequency of Niacin.  These symptoms reduce with continued use and seldom require discontinuing Niacin use. 

Dr Hoffer explains the Niacin Flush, its underlying cause and how to mitigate very well in the article Negative and Positive Side Effects of Vitamin B3 on page 153.

He states that the main factors in the flush are dose, and that most people will flush with 100mg or more, but that a tolerance does develop over a few days.  He recommends to introduce Niacin slowly and gradually increase dose.  He also notes that some people skip Niacin doses sometimes to again feel the benefit of a higher level of flush.  

100% Pure Niacin (nicotinic acid) as powder

Fully Reduced 

Fully Refined

No Additives